Carousel Film Poster
A film poster as the final product for a concept film surrounding the issue of mental health.
The concept film Carousel, follows the story of a young woman who suffers with bipolar disorder and depression. She is referred to a doctor in Canada and embarks on her journey to seek help. Confronted with the ambiguity of humanity, she is forced to make a decision given her options.
The film is set to be shot in 4:3 aspect ratio on Black and White film. Nine scenes were created using various image making techniques to help tell the story in it’s aesthetic. The final poster is an expansion upon the film’s final scene.
Part 1, Scene 1: Alice (Taylor Russel) suffers a mental breakdown. She confides in a doctor who (off the record) gives her a referral for medical euthanasia in Canada.Part 1, Scene 2: Alice leaves her husband a note and embarks on her journey to the doctor’s referral accross country lines.Part 1, Scene 3: Alice’s car breaks down on her journey, she is forced to find a mechanic in a rural area.Part 2, Scene 1: The mechanic and his wife are incredibly nice to Alice, they feed her and are genuinely interested in her story. Their subtle actions of care cause her to contemplate her decision.Part 2, Scene 2: Alice goes to a bar alone, contemplating her decision.Part 2, Scene 3: She befriends the bartender, who is similar to her in age and outlook.Part 2, Scene 4: While leaving the bar, a man attempts to hurt her. While fighting against him, the bartender hits him over the head with the bottle and tells her to run. Part 3, Scene 1: Feeling hopeless again, Alice comes to the end of her journey and arrives at the hospital. Has she made her decision yet?Closing Scene