A handmade, self-published magazine centered around queer liberation.
Featured in Graphic Design Senior Thesis exhibition.
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A duo exhibition alongside my good friend Theresa Kim, exploring the themes of performace, self expression, and self-realization.
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The End Times
A faux newspaper made in response to the painful irony of modern life; highlighting the irony of having to attend to “normal” responsibilities while the world is experiencing the most “unnormal” circumstances. From war and greed to environmental distress, The End Times, in it’s ridiculousness and exaggeration, emphasizes the uneasyness of the current social, political, and environmental climate.
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Art direction and graphic design for Laband Art Gallery’s 40th Annual Juried Exhibition: Young Contemporaries 2024.
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A folding manifesto poster about the commodification of gender/gender expression and its relation to design. Exploring gender as an oppressive social construct and how to exist outside of that.
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Get Loud For Gaza!
Branding and Merchandising for a benefit concert hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine at LMU. The idea was to make the designs wearable to encourage the purchase of the items while also maintaining respect for and portraying a message that aligns with the Palestinian Liberation movement.
All proceeds were donated to people seeking to evacuate Gaza amid the genocide.
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A film poster as the final product for a concept film surrounding the issue of mental health.
The concept film Carousel, follows the story of a young woman who suffers with bipolar disorder and depression. She is referred to a doctor in Canada and embarks on her journey to seek help. Confronted with the ambiguity of humanity, she is forced to make a decision given her options.
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