Get Loud for Gaza!

Branding and Merchandising for a benefit concert hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine at LMU. The idea was to make the designs wearable to encourage the purchase of the items while also maintaining respect for and portraying a message that aligns with the Palestinian Liberation movement. 

Logo and flyers for the event were designed by me. I also spearheaded the screenprinting aspect with help from other SJP members. I designed the front and back of the T-shirts as well as the tote bags. I burned the screens and helped screenprint over 150 articles of merchandise.

$6k+ was raised in total. All proceeds were donated to people seeking to evacuate Gaza amid the genocide. 

The design of the shirt aimed to combine commerciabilty with the true essence of the Palestinian Liberation movement. The dove representing peace, the olive branch representing Palestinian connection with the land, the fishing boat representing their connection with the sea, and the mouth representing the Palestinian voices that are being surpressed. The phrases “Free, Free, Free Palestine” and “Long Live the Intifada” were included to ensure the message of the event and liberation movement as a whole were not lost amongst those attending and purchasing from the event.

The tote bag was designed to be a more simplistic and minimal in comparison to the T-shirt. Taking the same mouth motif from the shirt, the tote bag aims to be more commercial while still representing the voices that need to speak up for those that are surpressed.


The Process

The burning of the screens.
The back of the shirts completed.
The shirts for sale at the event.


  by Lorelei Esquivel